
UL Yellow Cards

A globally recognized safety and quality guarantee

More UL Yellow Card Tools
UL Yellow Card Property Search

Looking for more specifics? Search Yellow Card properties of thousands of materials with a premium Prospector account. You'll also get other premium features like side-by-side materials comparisons and UL color concentrate search tools.

Find the materials you need for your project, tested against multiple safety- and performance-related properties.

Use the Prospector search engine to find materials that have successfully undergone UL testing procedures and received a UL Recognized Component Mark. View the detailed technical details of tested materials to find the most appropriate material for your specific project needs.
The industry respected product information card provides a compact and easy-to-read list of multiple safety properties, allowing designers, engineers and suppliers to find the precise materials you need.
About Yellow Cards

UL Solutions' Plastics Recognition Program (Yellow Card) is a globally recognized safety and quality guarantee that can help demonstrate how your plastics have met a specific set of performance credentials. Find out how you can market your product as Yellow Card certified today.

Learn how to add performance credentials and boost your visibility.